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Friendships and relationships

Friendships and relationships can bring so much joy. But sometimes they can be confusing and complicated. It's important to think about what feels right for you in a friendship and relationship.

Healthy friendships and relationships

Understanding what makes a healthy friendship and relationship is a great place to start.  Here are 6 things to look for in a healthy relationship:

  • Good communication
  • Mutual respect
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Equality
  • Being yourself

It’s also important to focus on building a healthy relationship with yourself. You can find out more about this on our Self-esteem page.

If you are in a relationship or friendship that is having a negative impact on your mental health, its important to know what to do. Ending a relationship can be very hard. If your boyfriend or girlfriend makes you feel scared in your relationship, it’s important to get support. Speak to someone that you trust; this might be family and friends, or a teacher, mentor or school counsellor or your GP. Visit the Childline website  for some helpful tips on ending relationship and staying safe


Friendships can be a real source of strength and support. Your friendships may change as you grow older, you might lose contact with some friends and make new friends too. Sometimes you might not get along with friends and at other times, you may be inseparable.

If you need advice on navigating friendships, you can visit the Childline website for more advice and support.



Being in a relationship can be an amazing experience but sometimes it can be worrying or confusing. Sometimes it can feel difficult if you are not in a relationship, but there is nothing wrong with you if you are not in a relationship. There are benefits to being in a relationship and being single.

If you need advice on navigating relationships, you can visit the Childline website  for more advice and support.


Relationships and sex

You may have questions about sex and relationships, and it can be tricky to talk about. But everyone has questions about sex and relationships, and you should be able to ask questions without feeling embarrassed.

If you have questions about sexual health, visit The Go-To sexual health page. You can also visit the Brook website who provide information on sexual health and wellbeing. You can also find advice on knowing when you are ready, consent and much more on the Childline website .

Relationships and sexuality

You may have questions about your sexuality and sexual orientation. Sexuality describes your sexual preferences. Sexual orientation makes up part of someone’s sexuality, however it covers more than just who a person is attracted to. You can find out more about sexuality by visiting the Brook website.

Sexual orientation is how a person feels sexually about people of various genders. If you have would like information on LGBTQ+ support you can visit The Go-To LGBTQ+ page.

Staying Safe online

The internet is a great way to connect with others, to be creative and to discover new things. It can be a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. But it’s important to understand how to stay safe online.

You can find great tips on how to stay safe by visiting the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website. 

You can also find useful information by visiting the UK Safer Internet Centre.  as well as The Go-To Staying Safe page.

Getting More Help

If you feel that your loneliness is impacting on your day to day life, then it’s important that you speak to someone that you trust; this might be family and friends, or a teacher, mentor or school counsellor or your GP. If you find it difficult to talk about how you are feeling, you could write them a letter or send them a text. Support is also available through Childline, Compass Phoenix, Kooth and Recovery College Online.

Getting Urgent Help

If you’ve seriously injured yourself or taken an overdose call 999 or get immediate medical advice from NHS 111.

If you are in a crisis and feel like you can’t cope, speak to somebody straight away. Search below for help or see the Urgent Help page for contact details for the North Yorkshire single point of access Crisis Service.

Some things you might find useful

Stalking awareness

What is stalking? What does stalking look like? Are you being stalked? Its important to know the answers to these questions and who to contact for support. Check out this stalking awareness leaflet.

Young persons stalking leaflet

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