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Not sure what to feel about what you're feeling ?

Welcome to the home of wellbeing and mental health for young people in North Yorkshire. We're here to help you find the right help and support for you, to help you stay well, whatever is going on in your life.

Visit our FAQs Page
What's new?

Resources to support you!

Check out more NHS mental health services

Needs Based Guidance Document

The Needs Based Guidance for Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) for Children and Young People in North Yorkshire.

Download here

Easy Read Resources

For easy read advise and guidance when feeling sad or worried.

Visit the Easy Read Resources page

Thinking of suicide? Need urgent help?

If you’ve injured yourself or taken an overdose please dial 999. To speak to someone urgently, please call ChildLine free on 0800 11 11.

Visit Urgent Help page

What's in North Yorkshire for me?

Find out what support services are available for young people in North Yorkshire, from help at school to local drop-in centres.

Visit What's in North Yorkshire for me? page

Top tips on feeling good

From why it’s good to get sweaty, help with talking about your feelings or tips on feeding your brain, we’ve got it covered.

Visit Top tips on feeling good page

Coping with common issues

Whether you’re feeling stressed or sad, struggling with bullying, or worried about drinking and self-harm, we can help.

Visit Coping with Common Issues page


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