Urgent help

Staying Safe

Do you feel worried or unsafe? Or are you worried about the safety of a friend? Being safe and feeling safe are very important. Find resources and information to help you find the right information and support.

Illustration of a woman stood up at a kitchen table, reading her tablet whilst preparing food

Staying Safe Online

Smartphones and computers put the whole world at our fingertips. But how we use these amazing resources can impact on our wellbeing. To find hints, tips and resources to help you make the most of the your time online and stay safe visit the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Illustration of a woman knelt down stroking a dog

Child Exploitation

Child exploitation is a type of abuse. For more information on child exploitation and how to get help or advice if you are worried about yourself or a  friend, visit the Be Aware Knowledge Hub from the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Illustration of a boy with hood over his head looking down, black dog sat next to him

What is Child Abuse?

There are different types of abuse. Abuse can create all kinds of emotions, including feeling frightened, confused, alone, guilty, unloved and ashamed. For more information on child abuse and how to get support visit the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Illustration of a man sat on bench


If you’ve run away from home, for whatever reason, there is support out there to help you find accommodation in a crisis situation.

Charities such as Shelter and SASH can provide support, as well as The Hub- a homelessness and advice service for 16-25 year olds. North Yorkshire Council provide advice on  local housing providers to help young people with housing issues in the North Yorkshire.

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, bullying, threatening or violent behaviour between people in a relationship. It can seriously harm children and young people and witnessing domestic abuse is child abuse.

Charities like the NSPCC and IDAS can provide specialist support and advice about domestic abuse.

For more information and support visit the NSPCC website and the IDAS website.

If you need urgent help, visit the Urgent Help page

Illustration of two people holding hands

Sexual Health

Yorsexual Health is a free and confidential service, running across York and North Yorkshire. You can search for Yorsexual Health North Yorkshire services or phone 01904 721111.

Other services they offer include counselling, HIV support services, condom ordering and more.

You can find more information on our Sexual Health page, including how to look after your sexual health during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Child Abuse

The NSPCC provides information on child abuse, including what to do if you suspect abuse.

Visit NSPCC website

NSPCC and O2 online safety campaign

NSPCC and O2 have launched a campaign to help children stay safe online.

Visit NSPCC website


Thinkuknow is an education programme which provides advice about staying safe online and offline.

Visit Thinkuknow website

Safer Internet advice

The UK Safer Internet Centre has games, quizzes and films to help you get the most out of the internet whilst staying safe online.

Visit Safer Internet website

Stop CSE

Help raise awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation.

Visit Stop CSE website

Child Sexual Exploitation

The NSPCC provide information and advice to protect and help children and young people

Visit NSPCC website


Childnet’s aim is to help make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people.

Visit Childnet website


Abuse is always wrong and it can be very difficult to talk about but you’re never alone. If you’re worried about abuse, find out what it is and who can help you.

Visit Young Minds website


YMCA provide supported accommodation for young people in England and Wales, including emergency accommodation, longer-term housing and youth hostels.

Visit YMCA website


Nightstop UK provides a bed for the night for young people who need it, in a moment of crisis.

Visit Depaul website


Centre Point is the UK’s leading youth homeless charity, providing support services and beds for homeless young people.

Visit Centrepoint website

Step by Step

Step by Step provide accommodation, personal development opportunities, and specialist support services to young people struggling with homelessness.

Visit Step by Step website


IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone experiencing or affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence.

Visit IDAS website

Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire

Supporting Victims provides support and information services to victims of crime in North Yorkshire, including domestic abuse and hate crime.

Visit Supporting Victims website

Hidden Harm

It can be difficult to identify if a child or young person is suffering hidden harm. There are many indicators that a child is suffering from hidden harm.  Many of the changes you may observe could be as a result of normal changes children and young people experience when growing up; however, we should always consider the welfare of children and young people and take action to safeguard them if we have a concern.

Visit the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

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