Early Help Professional Training
You can access a range of professionals training through NY Education Services.
NYC Training and Learning Service
The NYC Training and Learning Service provides a wide range of relevant training for professionals, including subjects mental health and safeguarding. Contact details for their service are:
Email- [email protected]
Tel- 01609 798010
Ladder of Intervention
North Yorkshire Council have put together the Ladder of Intervention, published in September 2019. This document provides guidance to schools on identifying and meeting the needs of social, emotional and mental health.
Self Harm Pathway
North Yorkshire Pathway of support for children and young people with self harming behaviour and/or suicidal ideation.
Rise Above Campaign
Rise Above and Public Health England have developed resources to help teach PSHE curriculum topics to Upper KS2, KS3 and KS4 pupils, with flexible lesson plans and ready-to-use PowerPoints co-created with teachers, and video content developed with 10 to 16-year-olds.
Download resources from the Pubic Health England website
Every Mind Matters Campaign
Every Mind Matters provides tools, information and resources to help you manage and maintain your mental health, as good mental health makes such a difference. It helps us to relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. To find out more visit Every Mind Matters.
Sexual Health
YorSexual Health is a free and confidential sexual health service, running across York and North Yorkshire. You can find information for professionals by visiting their website.
For more information about sexual health, take a look at our Sexual Health page.
Online Bereavement Training for Schools
Winston’s Wish offers free online training courses to help teachers and school staff understand how to support grieving children and young people in their school. Sign up to access free online bereavement courses for schools on their website.
Sleep Support Service
The Sleep Charity has been commissioned to provide a pilot sleep support service for children and young people in North Yorkshire.
The sleep service includes providing online one-to-one sleep clinics for families (click here for more information) and developing sleep plans with parents/carers to help address sleep issues and establish a regular night-time sleep pattern. All families will have follow-up support and where needed, will be referred to primary and secondary care for any medical investigations.
The Sleep Charity will provide appropriate sleep advice and support for parents/carers of disabled and non-disabled children aged 12 months to 18 years of age. Those with a Special Education Need or Disability and/or Education Health Care Plan will have access to the service up to their 25th birthday.
The charity also offer free foundation sleep workshops for professionals across North Yorkshire. Click here for more information.
Families can self-refer or speak to their GP.
Referrals can be accepted from GP Practices for children age 12 months upwards, by telephoning Claire on 07568 052300.
Families can self-refer by telephone or text to Claire on 07568 052300 or by email to [email protected]
North Yorkshire mental health helpline
If you need to discuss your mental health or that of someone you are caring for you can contact Crisis Support on 0800 561 0076.
This is a confidential and anonymous crisis line service. The number is free to call from landlines and mobiles and is open from Monday to Thursday, 5pm to 8.30am, and Friday from 4.30pm (24 hours at the weekends, including bank holidays).
BEAT Online Eating Disorder learning for GP's
To support GPs and primary clinicians in understanding and supporting people of all ages with an eating disorder, HEE has worked in partnership with experts by experience, NHS England and the charity Beat to launch two short 30-40 minute online eating disorder learning sessions
To find out more, visit the eating disorders elearning programme webpage.
BEAT Online Eating Disorder Training for School Professionals
With School Professionals Online Training (SPOT), Beat intends to give those working with school-age children the support they need to recognise an eating disorder, make an early referral to treatment, and support pupils with eating disorders through their recovery journey.
SPOT is an online platform available to anyone working in schools and provides:
- online modules,
- resources and spaces to talk with other
school professionals - weekly drop-ins with clinicians, allowing you to share knowledge and advice, as well as discuss what you’ve learned.
- PSHE resources and lesson plans that have been written
by clinical trainers to help share positive messages around eating
disorders, body image and importance of looking after our mental health.
For more information, visit the following leaflet link or watch this short video demo.
Anne Freud EBSA training
For information and helpful video’s on school attendance difficulties, visit the Anna Freud website. They also offer Emotionally-Based School Avoidance (EBSA) training courses aimed at teachers and school staff.
For further information, take a look at our School Attendance Difficulties page.
Talk Suicide Training
Anyone can suffer from suicidal thoughts but every one of us can make a difference.
A life is lost through suicide every two hours in the UK but suicidal thoughts and feelings affect thousands of us every single day.
The #TalkSuicide campaign has been created by the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership to reduce the stigma around talking about suicide by raising awareness of free suicide prevention training available from the Zero Suicide Alliance.
For more information, click here.
Supporting Perinatal Wellbeing
This Document has been developed to support professionals working with mothers, partners, and babies in North Yorkshire to identify services that can provide social, emotional wellbeing and mental health support. Contact individual services directly for further information. The source for pillar definitions used in this document was adapted from the i-THRIVE framework
UK’s leading charity committed to improving the wellbeing and mental health of children and young people has an extensive informative website for young people and for adults supporting them.
Visit Young MInds websiteMindEd
MindEd e-learning portal is a huge free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health; to help you become informed and better equipped when supporting children and young people. Try searching for a given topic, e.g. ‘loss and grief’ or ‘eating problems’.
Visit MindEd websiteNHS Choices (youth mental health)
An information hub on youth mental health offering young people advice and help on mental health problems including ‘why do I feel so down?’ and ‘tips for coping with depression’.
Visit NHS Choices websiteSamaritans advice for schools and colleges
Samaritans has created guidance on how to prepare for and respond to suicide in schools and colleges.
Download guidanceEducational Support Charity Telephone Support & Counselling
No matter what you’re going through, Education Support are always here for you, day or night, all the time. No matter what you’re feeling, our free, confidential helpline is always here 24/7. Night or day, their trained counsellors are there to listen to you without judgement and help you find a way forward, whatever your worries or concerns and feel better.
Visit Education Support Call 08000 562 561Crisis Tools
The tools to help you support young people in crisis. Improve your confidence, knowledge and skills in supporting young people in crisis. Created by young people working in partnership with mental health experts. Short, accessible video guides and text resources. All for free.
Visit Crisis ToolsNeeds Based Guidance for Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) for Children and Young People in North Yorkshire
This multi-agency document has been developed to support professionals working with children and young people to help identify the best way to provide support for social and emotional mental health in North Yorkshire.
Download it hereWalk with us
A toolkit for supporting Children, Young People and Families affected or bereaved by suicide
View the toolkitJust 'B' Schools Service
The Just ‘B’ Schools Service is an emotional wellbeing support service available to all schools. They are currently working with over 25 local schools.
Visit Just 'B' website