Coping with divorce or separation
If your parents or carers are divorcing or separating, it can be an incredibly difficult and emotional time. Its important to remember that it’s not your fault. The Childline website provides some great advice on how to cope if your parents or carers are divorcing or separating:
- Ask questions – it’s okay to ask questions about what’s going to happen or things you’re not sure about.
- Let your feelings out – expressing your feelings can stop them from building up and getting too much.
- Give yourself time – it might feel like things will never get better, but how you feel can change over time.
Sometimes two families come together to make a stepfamily. Everyone will experience this in a different way; it may be exciting or a very worrying time. Either way, it will likely take time for everyone to adjust to the new family.
Visit the Childline website advice on adjusting to a new family.
Learning to cope with new family members can take time, but sometimes it can feel like things will never improve. If you are not getting on with your family Childline recommend thinking about the following points.
6 things to remember about families
- Every family is different
- Its normal to not get on with your family sometimes
- Family changes can be stressful but there are ways to cope
- It can help to talk about how you are feeling
- Things like bullying or money problems can make it harder to get on with your family
- If you are ever worried or feel unsafe speak to someone that you trust; this might be family and friends, or a teacher, mentor or school counsellor or your GP.
Getting More Help
If you feel that your loneliness is impacting on your day to day life, then it’s important that you speak to someone that you trust; this might be family and friends, or a teacher, mentor or school counsellor or your GP. If you find it difficult to talk about how you are feeling, you could write them a letter or send them a text. Support is also available through Childline, Compass Phoenix, Kooth and Recovery College Online.
Getting Urgent Help
If you’ve seriously injured yourself or taken an overdose call 999 or get immediate medical advice from NHS 111.
If you are in a crisis and feel like you can’t cope, speak to somebody straight away. Search below for help or see the Urgent Help page for contact details for the North Yorkshire single point of access Crisis Service.
Some things you might find useful
There are lots of reasons people can separate or get a divorce. But if it happens, it’s not your fault. Childline have got advice to help cope.
Visit Childline Call 0800 1111Cafcass stands for Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service. They work with children and young people in family court cases. They make sure that your voices are heard and decisions are taken in your best interests.
Visit Cafcass