Urgent help
Illustration of a young girl, woman, and elderly man with a walking stick

Useful resources for parents

There is a lot of support and information available for parents about young people's mental health, but sometimes it can be hard to find the advice you need. Below we have pulled together some useful and reliable information and resources that might help you better support your child and navigate the journey together.

Getting Early Help

If you think you may need support for your mental health and wellbeing there are a number of services available in North Yorkshire.

Services for children and young people's mental health

To see a summary of the commissioned services in North Yorkshire for children’s social and emotional mental health, visit our Mini Marketplace presentation. 

Guide for Families

The Recovery College Online provides a range of online courses and resources about mental health. This includes a section dedicated to information for parents and carers.

Visit Recovery College website

MindEd for families

MindEd for Families has online advice and information from trusted sources and will help you to understand and identify early issues and best support your child.

Visit MindEd website

YoungMinds parent helpline

Support, advice and information for any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person up to the age of 25.

Visit Young Minds website


Papyrus can offer advice if you are worried about a young person who might be suicidal.

Visit Papyrus website

Children and Family Hubs

North Yorkshire Council children and family hubs are located across the county and provide services for children and young people aged 0-19 and their families. Find out about the sessions, courses, activities, services and support our children and family hubs offer to families across North Yorkshire.

Visit North Yorkshire Council website

Early Help

Early Help is North Yorkshire’s new approach to ensure children, young people and their families receive the right support at the right time to stop problems escalating.

Visit North Yorkshire Council website


Information about online behaviour and advice on protecting your child from abuse online.

Visit Thinkuknow website

Family Lives

Help and support in all aspects of family life.

Visit Family Lives website

SEND advice and support

SENDIASS North Yorkshire is a service for parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves. It is impartial, which means it is not bias and gives confidential information, advice and support that is arms length to the Local Authority.

Visit SENDIASS North Yorkshire website

Drugs information for parents and carers

Find important information for parents and carers about drug use and young people in North Yorkshire.

Download leaflet

Beat Eating Disorders Charity

The eating disorders charity Beat offer training and resources for those caring for someone with an eating disorder.

Visit Beat website

Sexual Health

Talking to your child about sex can be awkward and uncomfortable. But evidence shows that if parents talk about sex openly children and teenagers are more likely to have sex at a later stage and are more likely to use contraception.

Visit our Sexual Health page for information on how young people can look after their sexual health.

Visit Sexual Health page

Samaritans advice for schools and colleges

Samaritans has created guidance on how to prepare for and respond to suicide in schools and colleges.

Download guidance


The DadPad website and app have been developed with the NHS . DadPad supports Dads to be and new Dads by providing the knowledge and practical skills they need to help give their baby the best start in life, look after themselves and support their partner.

Visit Dadpad website

Compass Phoenix

Compass Phoenix is a free, confidential health and wellbeing service for children and young people between the ages of 5-19.

Visit Compass Phoenix website Call 0800 008 7452

Sleep Support Scheme

The Sleep Charity has been commissioned to provide a pilot sleep support service for children and young people in North Yorkshire. 

The sleep service includes providing online one-to-one sleep clinics for families (click here for more information) and developing sleep plans with parents/carers to help address sleep issues and establish a regular night-time sleep pattern.

The charity also offer free foundation sleep workshops for parents/carers across North Yorkshire. Click here for more information.

Visit The Sleep Charity website


Sudden support children and adults bereaved by sudden death.

Visit Sudden website Call 0800 121 6510

Qwell for men

Qwell is a free online mental health and wellbeing support platform, has been commissioned for use across North Yorkshire. The service is available everyone aged 18 and over.

Visit Qwell website

Eating disorder support

The NHS website has some useful advice for parents, guardians and carers on how to support a child or young person if you’re concerned about their eating problems or that they may have an eating disorder.

Visit NHS website

Needs Based Guidance for Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) for Children and Young People in North Yorkshire

This multi-agency document has been developed to support professionals working with children and young people to help identify the best way to provide support for social and emotional mental health in North Yorkshire.

Download it here

Child & Family Bereavement Support

The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children partnership have developed a page to assist children, young people, parents, carers and their families in accessing bereavement information, resources and services when they are bereaved by the death of a child or a child is bereaved by the loss of somebody close in their lives.

Visit North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website

Solihull Approach

Solihull Approach are offering FREE online parenting courses for all North Yorkshire parents, carers and foster carers

Visit the website using the button below and use the access code NYFAMILIES

Visit In Our Place website

Parent/Carer Workshops for Mental Health and Suicidal Ideation

Just B and Starfish are offering workshops for anyone who lives with young people and wants to help them improve their mental wellbeing.

Sessions will take place on Tuesday evenings between 6:00pm-7:30pm virtually via zoom and in person in both Harrogate and Thirsk.

During the Harrogate and Thirsk workshops, they will also be providing a wellbeing support group for the young people of those attending.


Click here for more information

This May Help

The This may help national initiative provides mental health advice to parents and carers who may have concerns about their child’s mental health.

Visit This May Help website

Walk with us: A Toolkit for supporting children, young people and families affected or bereaved by suicide

This toolkit has been co-produced with children and young people who have been bereaved by suicide.

The toolkit helps ensure that everyone around a child and young person who has been bereaved or affected by suicide knows how to respond and support them.

View the toolkit

North Yorkshire Libraries

North Yorkshire Libraries Family Matters book collections are aimed at helping you deal with the ups and downs of family life. There are books to share with children, as well as books for parents, carers, family members and professionals working with children. Alongside the Family Matters collections, they offer a set of books and resources on three Tough Topics – new baby, divorce and separation, and grief and loss. These sets are aimed at children aged 4 to 11 and can be used by parents and carers to aid discussion on these particularly tricky topics. 


Visit North Yorkshire Council website

Newbold Hope

Newbold Hope supports parents, carers and professionals to reduce violent, difficult and dangerous behaviour in children and young people with a disability and/or an additional need. The website offers a range of resources, including a Family Toolbox and helpful videos.

Visit Newbold Hope website

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